Compared to conventional error analytic methods, time-frequency representation can reflect the amplitude misfit and phase misfit of seismic signal. 时频误差分析法与常规的误差分析法相比,既能反映地震信号的振幅误差,也能区分其相位误差。
The conventional representation of location information is hard to understand for human in location-aware computing, but the natural language is a beneficial supplement. 讨论位置感知计算中定位信息表达存在的不足,引入自然语言描述作为补充。
Research on the Conceptions of Screw and Conventional Representation of Screw Threaded Parts 对螺纹概念和螺纹紧固件连接画法的探讨
Experimental results show that the method is prior to conventional CSD representation and the optimization method of FIR filters is efficient and necessary. 仿真结果表明,这种表示方法比传统的CSD码优越,而且离散系数滤波器的优化算法是有效的和必要的。
Compared with the conventional parse tree, this representation not only consumes less space, but also is faster for structure matching. 这种表示比传统分析树不仅空间较小,而且进行结构匹配的速度快。
In contrast with the conventional geometry-based approaches of using 3-D models for creating new virtual views, IBR techniques use a collection of photographs as the underlying data representation, and render directly from these original images based on pixel interpolation or reprojection. 与传统的基于几何的绘制技术不同,基于图像的绘制技术所采用的数据模型是由光学图像集构成,直接由这些源图像通过插值或重投影的方式获得新的图像。
Related proofs are given to show that the operator representation is more intuitional and compact than the conventional one. The operator representation reveals the basic geometry properties of Bezier curve from a completely different angle of view and simplifies the deductions of relative theorems. 实践表明,算子表示形式从与传统表示方法不同的另一角度揭示了Bezier曲线基本几何性质,简化了相关结论的推导。
Comparing with and summarizing the conventional feature-based image matching in detail, adopting the D-S ( Dempster-Shafer) theory to image feature fusion representation reasonably, an image feature fusion representation approach from gray value feature, local entropy feature and edge point feature is proposed. 在详细地比较和总结传统的图像特征匹配算法的基础上,针对图像灰度、图像局部熵和图像边缘点的特征等单一特征的不足,提出了基于D-S理论的特征融合表示方法。
However, the conventional methods of image representation have some problems and deficiencies, such as large amount of image information data, images are easily corrupted by noise and lack of adaptability. 目前一些常规的图像表征方法面临着图像信息数据量大、图像易受到噪声破坏以及缺乏自适应性等问题。